Who do you call when a pet dies?
The Monmouth County SPCA
Pet Loss Help Line

(After business hours & on weekends call 732-577-1076)

Speak directly to a professional counselor and get advice on:

We often think of the Monmouth County SPCA as a place to adopt a pet or get advice on animal behavior problems. The Eatontown facility has added a unique new service, a Pet Loss Help Line, dedicated to giving comfort and advice to individuals and families when a loved pet dies. “Pets fill many important roles in our lives.”, says Bob Szita MS, LPC a Licensed Professional Counselor with a specialty in grief work. “They are our friends, companions, and source of unconditional love. The death or illness of a pet can stir surprisingly powerful emotions that many people are often reluctant to talk about with family or friends.”

Mr. Szita has led monthly pet loss groups for the SPCA. He is now available to answer questions and counsel families by phone. Co-Director of Contemporary Counseling Center & ActionArtz Training Institute in Marlboro, he has extensive experience working with relationships between people and animals in his clinical practice as well as in his past work as a pet loss counselor at the New York Animal Medical Center and Director of Education at the Staten Island Zoo.

Call the Monmouth County SPCA at 732-542-0040 and leave your name and phone number. A counselor will return your call.
There is no charge for this service.

(After business hours & on weekends leave a message at: 732-577-1076)